Job completed for Spire Salon Suites

Completion date: July 12, 2024

Location: Stafford, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

Spire Salon Suites, a health and beauty shop located in Stafford, TX, contacted Alif Security LLC to install a new fire alarm system for their commercial space.

Solutions provided:

Alif Security LLC provided a comprehensive fire alarm system installation for Spire Salon Suites, ensuring their business adheres to all fire safety regulations and protects employees and clients. Here's a breakdown of the services provided:

Planning and Permitting: We collaborated with Spire Salon Suites to plan the optimal fire alarm system layout for their specific space. This likely involved determining the number and placement of alarms throughout the salon, considering factors like room size and potential fire hazards. We also handled acquiring any necessary permits from local authorities to ensure the installation complied with all fire safety codes.
Wiring and Installation: Our skilled technicians performed the physical installation of the fire alarm system. This involved running electrical wiring throughout the salon to connect all the alarm components. We likely installed:
10 amp Power Supply: This provides a reliable source of power to the entire fire alarm system.
Selectable Candela Ceiling Horn Strobe (White): These combination units serve a dual purpose. The horn emits a loud, piercing sound during a fire alarm, while the strobe light provides a visual indicator, especially crucial in areas with limited visibility due to smoke. "Selectable Candela" likely refers to adjustable light intensity for optimal coverage.
Selectable Candela Ceiling Strobe (White): This suggests installing additional strobe lights, potentially in different areas of the salon, to ensure complete visual coverage.
Activation and Testing: After installation, we activated the fire alarm system and conducted thorough testing to verify all components functioned properly. This ensures the system will effectively alert everyone in the building in case of a fire.
By providing this comprehensive fire alarm system installation service, Alif Security LLC helped Spire Salon Suites create a safer environment for their employees and clients.

Team members on this project:

Demarcus L Spencer, Gregry D Hazlett, Darian J Leadon

Photos & Videos:

Fire alarm panel
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Fire alarm panel
Fire alarm panel at Spire Salon Suites
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Fire alarm panel at Spire Salon Suites